It's one thing to be aware of a need. but it's another to confess that need

I've been on this journey of learning Rest from Jesus for the last year and a half.
Truth is, I had no idea what Rest really was. Leaving my job seemed like I was entering into a life of rest, but slowly but surely
I've been learning that Rest has nothing to do with not working a job. I've also learned that the more "restful " things I've checked off or added to my life routines, the further away I got from knowing what Rest really is.
Every "restful" thing I did, was actually only a glorified definition of relaxation.
In everything that I did for my body, nothing changed internally.
This is what opened my eyes to the truth that Rest is not for the body. It is for the soul
We can define rest in whatever way we like, but that does not mean it is correct.
Jesus said that He will give us Rest, but He also tells us where the Rest will take place and what it is for. It is for our soul. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Perhaps you are satisfied with "resting" your body and you think you have embarked on Rest.
I'd like to share that anything we do for our bodies will never affect the inside of it.
Relaxation is for the body. Rest is for the soul.
We have a need of Rest, in a place we can't reach, and for a thing we can't see.
Where there is a need, there is a solution. However, in this case, we are not the solution.
The solution to Rest is Jesus.
But we must first admit we have a need that we can't meet.
Do you know your NEED for Rest?
Are you willing to confess that need?
It is the first step to receiving the solution from Jesus.
Share with a friend who knows their need for rest.
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