This is the most encouraging news you'll hear today!

Well...we may have our own definitions of what's the most encouraging news for today, but you may want to consider this one to be at the top!
How many times have we needed prayer for something, but we aren't sure who to ask or may not even be sure if anyone is going to really listen or understand? How many times do we know we need help, but we actually do not know how to put to words, the help that we need!
Never fear, your never-failing rescuers are here! Their names are the Holy Spirit and Jesus.
I know you're probably thinking, " Ok well duh, that's cliche". However, today I want you to stop, focus and ponder what I'm about to share. Let it sink in!
Romans 8:26 is a verse that reminds us that in our weaknesses, we often have no idea what we should pray for. This is where the Holy Spirit steps in and intercedes for us with words we can't even get out.
Listen! This is very important to grasp!
Firstly, what does intercede even mean? According to google: " the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others".
That's beautiful! We have the assurance that the Holy Spirit will pray to God on our behalf! But what makes this so beautiful?
The Bible says in I Samuel 16:7 that God looks at the heart. The heart is where the Holy Spirit lives, in those that accept Jesus. The Holy Spirit in our heart, prays to our God, who is looking directly at the heart.
The Holy Spirit has the attention of God, through the eye gate! It's almost as if the Holy Spirit can get God to LOOK at the prayers of our heart! How beautiful. This is like saying God can see our prayers simply because the Holy Spirit dwells where God looks. How amazing!
But there's more!
Romans 8:34 reminds us that Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died for us and then rose from the dead, is sitting now on the right-hand side of God AND He intercedes for us!
Wait a minute! When I read this, this is what envision, the Holy Spirit interceding by capturing the eyes of God and Jesus interceding, by sitting right beside God, where He can capture the direct EAR of God?! WOW!!
It's almost like God is saying, "Just in case you don't believe or think that the interceding of the Holy Spirit is enough, I have Jesus who sits on my right hand, next to My ear, interceding for you!!"
I'm repeating this so that it can sink in:
The Holy Spirit, sitting in the place where God looks (our hearts)
Jesus, sitting on the right hand of God, directly next to the Ear of God.
They both intercede in places that are valuable to God. Heart and Ear. He knows our hearts because of the Holy Spirit and He hears us in His ears because of Jesus 😭🙌🏽
I don't know about you, but this brings rest to my soul and tears to my eyes.
For every battle we face, He's covered it with Himself.
Rest is not about the life around us, but about the Life inside of us!
Jesus cares for what's going on internally and He takes care of it eternally!
If you are struggling to pray or finding someone to pray, find rest in knowing that The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ Himself has you covered. They are your Prayer Warriors!
Come to Jesus and He will give Rest!
Share with a friend if this has encouraged you!